If you want to build a widget (or feature) on your website that pulls in your Instagram photos, you may need to connect your widget or application with Instagram. Here is one way to do that:
1. Log into Instagram.
Use your client’s credentials if you need to pull photos from their account.
2. Signup on Instagram Developer
Go to: https://www.instagram.com/developer/register/
On this screen:
Website is the domain name that you would need to pull Instagram posts onto. In my case, it was oakhills.edu.
Phone number may pre-populate using the phone on the account.
Example wording for the text area: “Widget for our own website”
Click Sign up.
2. Register a New Client
On the top menu, click Manage Clients then click Register a New Client.
Fill in the details. Remember the redirect URI as you will need it later.
Click Register to complete. Then you’ll have Client ID and the Client Secret.
3. Authorize your widget.
You can authorize using this URL:
In the above address, replace CLIENT-ID and REDIRECT-URI with actual data from your application.
Click Authorize in the screen that follows.
When you click authorize, it will take you to the redirect URI. Grab the code from the url on that screen, such as:
Now you should be able to see your application under Manage Clients.
You can also see the connection in your Authorized Applications: https://www.instagram.com/accounts/manage_access (or go to Instagram > user icon top right > Edit Profile button on right > Authorized Applications).
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